College and Career Readiness
Program offered in the Dunn PAL After-school Program.
The Dunn PAL Career Readiness Program works with youth Grades 8-12th to introduce Career Fields that may interest each student.
It’s time to rethink CTE!
To address the nation’s skills gap and prepare our emerging workforce for the changing economy, young people need access to expanded learning opportunities made possible by afterschool and summer learning programs. These programs are critical partners for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and help young people develop skills that employers need.
Learning doesn’t just happen in school.
For students in elementary through high school, more than 80 percent of their time is spent learning outside of school— at afterschool and summer programs, in libraries, museums, science centers, at home or in the community. Fewer than 20 percent of their 16 waking hours are spent in school.
Afterschool: An Ideal CTE Partner
After-school provides a flexible learning environment and has a proven track record for combining enrichment, academics and real-world experiences to serve more than 10 million young people in all 50 states. Afterschool programs have expertise leveraging resources from multiple community partners, including businesses, parents, libraries, schools, museums and health centers.
The Dunn PAL Career Readiness Program works with individual schools in Harnett County, NC to provide students on CTE pathways with 120 hours in internship credits through real, on the job, paid experiences in a connected local job choice. The Dunn PAL Career Readiness works with students after school and on weekends to help youth gain knowledge and experience in the work various work fields. Through the program students develop leadership, employability, hands on work experience and financial literacy skills. Students also earn an income and internship credit at their school, as well as a vested Equity Award for good attendance that they can access when they graduate for anything education or career related.
The Dunn PAL Career Readiness program is partnered with Harnett County Schools CTE Program, Central Carolina Community College CTE Program, Harnett County NC Works, Harnett County JCPC and The Golden Leaf Foundation.
The Dunn PAL Career Readiness Program meets Monday-Friday 3:00-6:00 PM. The Program Offers various electives such as: Financial Literacy, Trade Industrial Education, Health Sciences, Computer Integrating Technology, Electrical Trades, Broadcast Production Technology, Marketing-Entrepreneurship, Business Administration, Green Construction, Culinary Arts, Hospitality, Tourism and various other STEM Programs.
The Career Readiness Program also offers various leadership classes and The American Oratorical Scholarship Program See here.

This program is offered Free to students Grades 8th-12th in the Harnett County School area. For more information call 910-892-1873. You can sign up and register here.
Here are come downloads:
Dunn PAL CTE Fact Sheet Click Here to Download
The American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program Rules CLICK HERE